Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Green Revolution

Why can’t America invest in clean energy? Can’t politicians, lobbyists and businessmen look past their own greed for just a second and realize that their actions along with their inaction, although nearsightedly profitable, will only lead to catastrophe? Politicians and businessmen alike should recognize the fact that striving towards truly renewable and “green” energy will lead to new jobs, increased profits, and a better world for the rest of us.

But, this whole global warming thing isn’t entirely the fault of these powerful few. I place much of the blame on myself and the rest of the American population. We need to stand up and demand clean energy and a swift and radical attempt to end climate change. We need to stop being manipulated by those few people who stand to make disgusting profits while ruining our planet. We need to reject the lies they feed us about biofuels, ethanol and “clean” coal. Americans need to find ways to reduce our consumption of both energy and resources. We must demand nuclear, wind, wave, solar and hydroelectric power. We can no longer be afraid of severing our ties with oil, gas and coal because oil, gas and coal tell us we can’t live without them. We can become a nation run on renewable, clean energy and we can establish ourselves as a forerunner in the green movement.

There is some progress being made, and there are some powerful people who are brave enough and selfless enough to make a stand for clean energy, but it is not nearly enough. The U.S. is still the largest consumer of energy in the world, and we are nowhere near the front in the race towards renewable, sustainable energy. I agree with our Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who told the Senate, “When the Starting gun sounded on the clean energy race, the United States stumbled, but I remain confident that we can make up the ground.