Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mr. Sutley = Grinch

This week in a government building in Sonoma County, a man named Irv Sutley noticed an angel and a star among the holiday decorations in the building. Being an atheist, Sutley was deeply offended and demanded these religious symbols be taken down immediately. Neither angels nor stars belong to any single religion, but Sutley nevertheless demanded their removal, and they were soon removed.

I am a staunch proponent of separation of church and state, as well as a staunch atheist, but even I find Sutley’s reaction to the decorations severe and unfounded. Why does he care if there are a few Christian symbols put up by a Christian? Is it really so offensive? I’m an atheist too and I am not offended at all by any religious symbol, indeed I find religious art and symbols beautiful and interesting. I don’t care if someone expresses their faith, I even encourage this. Even in a public, governmental space, I cannot see why religious symbols should not be permissible unless they are overwhelming.

I think Sutley’s reaction was much too severe, and I disagree with him entirely. People like him reinforce the stereotype of atheists being repressive, angry, immoral curmudgeons. I abhor this stereotype because I see myself as an accepting, open-minded, moral atheist. I believe that one’s religion should barely affect one’s political decisions, especially the opinions of those in power, but I know this is unrealistic. I do, however, believe that one has the right to express and practice their religion however they please, even if it means putting up religious symbols or idols in public places. Thus, I strongly disagree with the rash, selfish actions of Mr. Sutley.