Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Am Pissed.

Seriously? No public option? Over the course of writing my blog I have become more and more dissatisfied with the American legislative process, and this is a prime example of why I am so dissatisfied. Congress decided on a health care reform bill that did not include a public option. I wrote my first blog this year about health care reform, and I find it sad and ironic that my last blog this year will be a reiteration of the first. I guess that goes to show the speed and efficiency of our U.S. Congress.

To put it simply, we need a public option. That’s it. Not even just a public option, but true universal, socialized healthcare. 60% of Americans agree with me, but, unfortunately, 0% of health insurance companies agree with me. And, unfortunately, 60% of Americans don’t have $400,000,000 to donate to congressmen, but 100% of insurance companies do. This goes back to another blog I wrote about publically funded races and corruption in Washington, but I digress. Actually, maybe I don’t. I think I’m going to use this blog to vent a little anger and wrap up everything I’ve said in my other blogs. Politicians are corrupt. I think that just about sums it up.

I know. I’m being a little too harsh, but I really wanted a public health care system. I wanted real change, “change I could believe in.” I feel like a kid who asked Santa for a bike and got a pair of socks instead. No. It’s worse than that. The bill requires all citizens to buy heath insurance, even the working poor. This is a travesty. It is just an example of the blatant corruption in congress, and I’m beginning to loath our legislative process. We need real change, not just campaign promises.